Blog — plants

Troubleshooting Planty Predicaments

Plants get stressed out when their needs aren't being met. Being vigilant of stress signals and taking action early is key to wild success. Use our Troubleshooting Guide to solve any planty puzzles that come your way.

Houseplant Pests and How to Get Rid of Them

Houseplant pests are naughty buggers that will attack, damage and potentially destroy your plants if left untreated. Protect your green offspring from harm by putting your pest foot forward with our detailed Bug Busters guide.

10 Leafy Commandments

Want to build the urban jungle of your wildest dreams? Follow our 10 Leafy Commandments and you'll be set up for stellar success!

Other Platending Pursuits

Plants have other needs beyond lighting and watering in order to live their most bodacious lives. Leaf through our Plantending Pursuits guide for the dirty down low on providing the best holistic care for your green offspring. 

Beginner Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

At Leafy Luv Affair, our mission is to make you wildly successful jurbunglers. We've poured our heart and soil into sharing all of our learnings with you to help you avoid the Common Beginner Mistakes that newbie plant parents make.