
Beginner Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

At Leafy Luv Affair, our mission is to make you wildly successful jurbunglers. We've poured our heart and soil into sharing all of our learnings with you to help you avoid the Common Beginner Mistakes that newbie plant parents make.

Leafy Watering Advice

Indoor plants depend on us exclusively for water and different plant varieties have different watering needs. Check out our Leafy Watering Advice for the detailed guidance and visual graphics that will boost your knowledge and confidence and wash all your watering worries away.

Leafy Lighting Advice

Sunshine is LIFE and when it comes to mastering plant parenthood, sunlight is the most important detail to get right. Check out our Leafy Lighting Advice guide for detailed guidance and visual graphics that will help you figure out the best spots in your home where your indoor plants will thrive.